Get to know the passionate team driving innovation and excellence at Connekt.
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?
To have a self sustaining thriving business providing employment to a 40+ team that are thriving and growing every day together towards their business goals.
What is your favourite book, and tell us why you love it?
Who moved my "cheese by Spencer Johnston. A great story that gives gentle perspective in how our ability to change and adapt directly impacts the outcomes and aspirations we have in life.
What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned from working at Connekt?
The squeeky wheel gets oiled.
Finance Director
What would your perfect weekend look like?
Dog walks with my family somewhere with lovely views of the water. Perhaps taking our paddle board out for spin. Out to a restaurant for dinner on Saturday night and a lovely home cooked meal on the Sunday followed by a quiet evening in watching a film.
What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?
I love to be creative and usually always have a project on the go where I'm making something.
What do you enjoy most about working at Connekt
Working with such a friendly and supportive team. Everyone is working towards the same goals and making a huge contribution to the growth of the company.
Commercial & Infrastructure Director
In your personal life, what has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?
Supporting and nurturing my eldest daughter so that she made it to Medical School this year to train to become a Doctor in the Military; and now focussing on my youngest to help her achieve her dreams. I am very proud of both of them.
What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?
I built a car that became well known and referred to by Classic Ford Magazine as one of the top ten cars that changed the scene. Featured in 4 magazines, still recognised today and last year made into Ltd Corgi collectable model as a result!
What do you enjoy most about working at Connekt?
How enthusiastic everyone is about the business, and how bought in they are to the vision and journey.
Technical Director
What would your perfect weekend look like?
I love spending time with my family, we enjoy going for walks and having meals together.
What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?
In my spare time I enjoy making all sorts of things, wall calendars, furniture, boardgames, electronic toys, chalk shaped like a bar of chocolate etc!
What do you enjoy most about working at Connekt?
Helping improve all the technical systems we use and learning about the intricacies of EV charging!
Operations Director
What would your perfect weekend look like?
My idea of a perfect weekend is spending time with my family, long walks on the beach or countryside, followed by a quiet cosy night in curled up on the sofa watching a good movie or playing games - it’s definitely the simple pleasures that fuel my soul!
Who has been your biggest influence in life, and why?
My Dad inspires me everyday with his unconditional love, strength of character and wisdom. His unwavering integrity and commitment to doing right thing, even when it's the most difficult, has and continues to influence me daily.
What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned from working at Connekt?
Regardless of scale or complexity of the challenge, with the right set of people, all pulling in the same direction anything is achievable!
Non Executive Director (Marketing)
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?
I want to run Marathon Des Sables, the world's toughest foot race. 250km across the Sahara dessert in up to 50 degree heat. Why? Because it terrifies me and I want to prove I can commit to something that difficult.
What is your favourite book, and tell us why you love it?
Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Written in 1937, it's message is as relevant today as it was then. Favourite quote from the book "The subconscious mind will translate into reality a thought driven by fear just as readily as it will translate into reality a thought driven by courage or faith".
What is your favourite Connekt memory?
Taking a speed boat across Loch Lomond on a Team bonding excursion. The weather was perfect and the photos and videos were amazing. We had such a great time, climbing hills and island hopping in one of the most stunning locations on earth.
Non Executive Director (Chairman)
Strategic Partnership Manager (North)
What would your perfect weekend look like?
Get up around 5am, take my dogs out on their massive walks. Get an hour in at the gym and get the house cleaned before I make breakfast. Spend time with my wife, having a nice lunch/dinner and generally chilling out. Get to watch a football game if fixtures are on. ( I realise I sound like a serial killer).
What is your favourite book, and tell us why you love it?
Who Moved My Cheese by Dr Spencer Johnstone. A great read about adaptability and success. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
What is your favourite Connekt memory?
Without a doubt our team day climbing Conic Hill, taking a speedboat across Loch Lomond and sharing the afternoon with the team.
Business Development Manager (North)
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?
I would love to take my family to Florida and experience it with no worries of how much it's going to cost. Just enjoy the time away.
In your personal life, what has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?
Becoming a Dad and raising my Son who is now 7 years old. Watching him grow and teaching him life lessons, playing with him and helping him learn. Along with him teaching me a few things! I feel there is no better accomplishment in life.
What is your favourite Connekt memory?
The team day at Conic Hill was one of the best thing we have done here. I feel that definitely brought the team closer together and it was a massive accomplishment for some of us.
Strategic Partnership Manager (South)
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?
For all 3 of our children to have true happiness in who they are and what they are doing in life. With the knowledge that they have a forever base - a home that won't change every 2 years. That home will have land around it for Shaun's hobbies. There will be no neighbours and a huge kitchen for family parties.
In your personal life, what has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?
In 2010 I started a wound clinic in a rural village in Malawi. Teaching and guiding a handful of the locals on cleanliness and wound care so that the villagers had somewhere to get advice and treatment for free. It is still running and providing advice and treatment to hundreds of people every week. Special to know the long term positive impact that's had.
What is your favourite Connekt memory?
When we climbed Conic Hill and then the speed boat across Loch Lomond. The joy on every single persons faces was so lovely. Such a great day!
Assistant Network Manager
What would your perfect weekend look like?
Having a lie in and recharging my batteries. Spending time with my 2 girls and walking my French Bulldog Alfie. Also catching up with freinds when we can all get toegether.
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?
I would love in later life to downsize and live near the sea. Maybe somewhere warm.
What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned from working at Connekt?
Team work makes the dream work.
Operations Support Engineer
What would your perfect weekend look like?
My ideal weekend would be spend heading to a gig: seeing live music someting I've always loved. Exploring different venues, and seeing all sorts of music is always exciting. Paired nicely with a local food place, somewhere tucked away would set me up for the week perfectly!
In your personal life, what has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?
One of the most meaningful acomplishments I've acheived is getting my very own podcast (Music Is a Dead Scene) up and running with my best friend. We've always had a big interest in playing, and listening to music and having a podcast focussed around the types of conversations we have as musicians has been fantastic fun, we've had people listen in from all over the world, and people get involved in episodes! It's been a great journey so far, and we can't wait to see it continue to grow.
What do you enjoy most about working at Connekt?
Working in such a close team is something new to me, and having everyone so keen to lend a hand where possible is so refreshing. It's always nice to be surrounded by a positive team, that all want the same goal.
Business Development Manager (North East)
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?
To one day own a place in the Balaerics to visit as frequently as me and my family possibly can. However, now there is talk of 100% tax on property purchased in Spain, maybe I will have to look elsewhere - haha!. So probably Italy then.....anywhere hot with delicious food please, actually. I'm not picky!
What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?
I was in an indie pop band many moons ago, and played Glastonbury on the BBC Introducing stage amongst many other festivals, did a session with Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens at Maida Vale with many plays on Radio 1 and BBc Radio 6, etc.
What is your favourite Connekt memory?
Recieving the "I am delighted to offer you the job" call from Stephen.
Business Development Manager (Midlands)
What would your perfect weekend look like?
My number one priority for a good weekend is doing something with the dog - he loves a walk and stop in a country pub. Also seeing our friends, we often go camping in the summer (around 16 of us!) and it's always a good laugh.
In your personal life, what has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?
Buying my own house at 21. I worked extremely hard to do this, working 12 hour shifts 6/7 days a week - seeing my hard work pay off and getting the keys to my little home was a great feeling!
What do you enjoy most about working at Connekt
How friendly, supportive and welcoming the team are.
Business Development Manager (East Scotland)
What’s something surprising that not many people know about you?
As a poor student my little brother who was a child actor got me into being an extra. I have been in multiple tv programs and movies, the most notable was outlander where I played an English redcoat who shoots one of the main characters and fights in the Battle of Culloden.
Who has been your biggest influence in life, and why?
When push comes to shove it's my mum, when I was 13 she was diagnosed with a 3 month terminal illness, 20 years later and against all medical knowledge she is still with us. She has taught me the definition of resilience, work ethic and to enjoy life everyday. She is part of the reason why I joined Connekt, life is too short to do something you dont enjoy.
What do you enjoy most about working at Connekt
Knowing I am making a difference as the UK accelerates towards cleaner energy.