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April 11, 2024

Empower Your Clients with Sustainable EV Charging Solutions

In an era where environmental sustainability is paramount, businesses are seeking innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure offers a dual benefit: it promotes sustainability and aligns with clients' eco-commitments while presenting a host of advantages. Let's explore how Connekt Charging can assist you in providing these benefits to your clients.

What We Offer Your Clients:

Meeting Sustainability Commitments:

In today's world, reducing environmental impact is a top priority. Integrating EV charging solutions into your clients' operations is a significant step towards meeting sustainability commitments and contributing to a greener future.

Utilising Available Grants and Tax Reliefs:

Beyond sustainability, there's a financial incentive. Your clients can tap into incentives like the OZEV grant (starting at £350) and Benefit in Kind (BiK) tax relief for workplace charging, making sustainability more accessible and rewarding.

Future-Proof Solutions:

Connekt Charging understands the rapid evolution of EV technology. Our solutions are designed to accommodate industry advancements, ensuring that your clients' investments remain valuable in the long run.

Customisable Pricing:

Flexibility is key. Connekt enables your clients to set unique pricing for various user groups through individual charge point management, allowing them to tailor pricing to their specific business needs.

Multiple Payment Options:

Convenience is paramount. We offer various payment methods, including Google Pay, Apple Pay, and credit cards, ensuring a hassle-free experience for your clients' customers.

Public and Private Modes:

Charge point utilisation is crucial for profitability. Connekt allows your clients to reserve points for members during peak hours and open them to the public during off-peak times, optimising usage.

Roaming Capabilities:

Our connectivity extends charge point accessibility to various EV charging apps, broadening the reach of your clients' network and enhancing convenience for EV users.

Load Balancing:

Efficient energy distribution is essential for cost management. Connekt offers load balancing options, including static, dynamic, or true dynamic solutions, helping your clients make the most of their energy resources.

User Management:

Control is vital. Our platform lets your clients manage access and usage for members, guests, and drivers, ensuring secure and efficient infrastructure management.

Generate Reports in Real-Time:

Real-time reporting on payments, billings, and expenses empowers your clients to make informed decisions and keep their charging network running smoothly.

OCPP Compliance for Secure Cloud Connection:

Security is paramount for financial transactions. Our Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) compliance ensures secure cloud connections for all transactions, providing peace of mind.

By partnering with Connekt Charging, you're not only offering your clients a reliable and future-proof EV charging solution but also contributing to a sustainable and eco-conscious future. Together, we can help your clients meet their sustainability commitments, navigate available grants and tax reliefs, and provide efficient and convenient charging services for their customers. Join us in driving change and embracing the future of sustainable transportation.

Empower your clients with Connekt Charging and drive sustainability forward today

Looking to learn more about EV Charging for your business?

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